In this scenario, your payments will be protected and your plan will be allocated to another local funeral director. When it comes to payment plans for your funeral, you have lots of options and you should be able to find a company that suits your budget and preferred method of payment. Most funeral plans include options for one single payment that covers the entire cost in full, often at a discount. There will also be options for paying through instalments at a rate that is manageable for you. You might find that the best option for you is a 12-month pre-payment plan because this can spread out the cost while typically avoiding additional administrative charges. If you would prefer to pay less in each instalment, you can opt for a longer-term pre-payment schedule over a matter of years. Some providers will permit you to make payments over the course of up to 25 years, but there will be some restrictions depending on your age at the time of starting your plan. Nobody can foresee exactly what’s going to happen in the future, and there will be times when people pass away before they have paid their final funeral plan instalments.